The TrailLite Blog

A first time trip for a motorhome newbie

Written by Emma Muehlke | Apr 17, 2019 10:39:11 PM

I’m an Aussie (don’t hold that against me) who spent most of my family holidays touring Australia in a caravan, mainly visiting surf beaches anywhere from Victoria to the Whitsundays.

The lifestyle, like with so many kiwis, is deeply rooted in my childhood memories. Exploring campsites barefoot with my sisters and anyone we met along the way. Of course, my childhood caravanning memories taking place in Australia meant no rain, blue sky and 25 degree plus weather everyday of the week.... bliss.

For NZ though, where the weather is a little more unsettled, a motorhome felt like a good place to start -  although, I do really cherish the caravan memories of my youth. So roll in TrailLite and the start of my love for motorhoming and of course, this amazing country I now call home.

Motorhoming was very new to me and practically from the first day I started with TrailLite, I was eager to get into a Benimar and make some motorhome memories. 

My first motorhome trip was to Mount Maunganui - it was only natural for me to pick a surf beach to visit. My partner and I quickly packed on a Friday night after work and we were off. That’s one thing I love about the motorhome lifestyle, everything is ready to go. No need to pack the tent, blow up bed or the the pump! Everything is ready to go and of course, if it was your own motorhome, this would be closer to the truth with everything packed in and ready to go when the weekend is spare and the sun is shining. 

For many who like me are new to motorhoming, I would encourage you to read the Beginners guide to Motorhoming. It's an excellent resource and will really help you learn whether the lifestyle is for you! I knew it was for me after only my first short trip. 

I must admit, I was slightly nervous driving a motorhome for the first time, however the Benimar drives like a dream - it was just like driving a car and the reversing cameras made it so easy when I arrived at The Mount. I met heaps of females who felt the same when they first jump behind the wheel but, just like me, they soon got the swing of it and loved the experience of driving on the open roads. I would really recommend to anyone who is feeling nervous to, not only come and take a test drive, but speak to me about the opportunity about an extended road trip and really try the motorhome on for size!  Plus, I am sure a good chunk of my nerves came from the fact that the motorhome wasn't mine! 

All the nerves about driving were well and truly gone by the time we arrived and our arrival was made even better by the prospect of cold wine and a cheese platter. We settled in and just like that it was happy hour with the most amazing view of the beach all from the comfort of our own private oasis.

The next morning the wind took a turn for the worse so there was no time for surfing (lucky we weren’t in the tent next door). So, we decided to tackle the mountain. The hike is extremely steep at some points however, it was worth it to experience the most amazing view. I love traveling New Zealand - you’re never far from something beautiful. 

The next best thing about a motorhome was, after the hike, I could have a warm shower in my own "bathroom" rather than tramping to the camp showers when it was windy outside! 

It was time to hit the main street for some shopping, plus treating ourselves to dinner at Fish Face for some fresh seafood and wine 😊 Sunday was nice and relaxing, with a sleep in and breakfast in bed (I was pleasantly surprised with the kitchen in the 264, its compact but extremely functional). The afternoon included a stroll along the beach and a soak at the hot pools.

It was only a short weekend getaway, which is how many choose to use their motorhomes while they are still working fulltime. We weren’t ready to come home, we wanted to get back on the road and explore more destinations.

Safe to say I’m a fan of motorhomes and it's made easy and convenient with Benimar. Travel really is such a great way to explore and enjoy our amazing country (New Zealand that is). It really made me think about one of my favourite quotes which I will leave you with:

“Travel is an investment in yourself”