Getting the right motorhome or caravan diagnosis
Published by
Rob Deed
Would you self diagnose using “Dr Google"?
The internet has rolled out thousands of pages of information on everything from tennis elbow to tonsillitis, and everything in between. The information available shows typical treatments and symptoms, as well as how common the condition is, whether it's critical or contagious, what age it affects and more.
The Chairman of the Australian Medical Association Council of General Practice says googling a health symptom is not an unreasonable thing to do in this day and age. But it's more about what you do next. That’s where health literacy comes in, and unfortunately, the quality of the information often varies.
So unless you happen to have a PhD after your name, one would think the next step any sensible person would do is to seek the help and advise of a specialist.
The same analogy should be drawn when googling what motorhome or caravan is going to best suit your needs. You can spend week upon week trawling the internet, reading reviews, looking at the possibilities. Don't get me wrong that is a great place to start, but if you are serious about getting your affliction sorted, would it not be wise to seek out a specialist?
It is amazing the number of times I have talked with a “patient”, and found that their research was a little off the mark - or a lot in some cases.
To give you an example, at a recent show, I had a gentleman come onto our stand, and I noticed he had a cheque book in hand, that he was flicking from side to side. I introduced myself and asked him what had bought him to the show.
“I want to go on the road full time, and I’m here to buy,” he says.
“I can see that", I said, "as you even have the cheque book with you”. We chatted a bit more, then I asked him, “So, how long have you been researching?'.
“About three weeks”, was the answer, and in my head alarm bells were ringing loud & clear!
The more we talked, the more I confirmed that he was miles off the mark in all regards. So I respectfully told him that it would be a good idea we slow right down, and help him to get his facts in order.
Once I had discussed just a few of the most important items for him to consider in a purchase, he realised that his “self diagnosis”, while not costing him his life, could undoubtedly have cost him dearly.
When you invest in an expensive asset, it is time well spent taking the time to visit and talk with a specialist - just like you would before undergoing any major medical operation, or before buying a house when a whole suite of specialists help you along the way (lawyers, accountants, building inspectors).

It is amazing how many times we hear a client wanting to get out of what they first bought. And, when you drill down into the approach they took to their initial purchase, a lot of it was based on assumption rather than well researched fact.
If I am doing a consultation with a client, quite often during the consultation process I will challenge them on their thoughts, playing the devil's advocate. I do this not to cause controversy, but to ensure that all aspects have been discussed and considered before they put pen to paper, thus avoiding any assumptions, and ultimately getting the right “diagnosis”.
So book in for a chat with the doctors at the TrailLite Clinic and get the right diagnosis.
To book an appointment please click here